5 ways to prosper with Prosper

Anagram Prosper is here! And it’s changing the way that eye care providers dispense materials to their patients.
The ability to instantly generate rebates on independent eyewear simply makes the sale easier—whether the patient needs backup glasses or a new pair altogether! These delightful buying experiences improve capture rates and help practices build and maintain patient loyalty.
However, there’s more to Prosper than instant eyewear rebates! Prosper will help you sell more eyewear as long as you’re sending patients their cash back. But you can take further steps to ensure you’re using Prosper to its full potential.
Let’s take a look how your practice can maximize Prosper:
Use marketing to call out cash back on eyewear
How do you make sure people know you’re offering cash back on eyewear in your optical? You tell them! And that starts with your marketing.
Working rebates into your eye care marketing plan is easy! The first step is your website. Make sure you’re prominently featuring cash-back rewards on your homepage as well as any pages that highlight the materials in your optical. But don’t limit your marketing to your website. How else can you send the message about cash back on the eyewear in your optical?
How about making the announcement on your social media pages! Your practice can directly engage with patients on a daily basis through social networks. It’s a great way to get the message out about the independent eyewear rewards at your optical.
Also think about how you advertise. You can use pay-per-click campaigns targeted to your geographic area to build awareness around cash back on eyewear. Or consider traditional advertising. Do you sponsor community events or purchase ad space in local publications? How can you use these as opportunities to tell people about the rebates available at your optical?
It’s important to use Prosper in your marketing because it’s a differentiator. This is something no one else is offering. In-network providers who accept vision plans or are obliged to sell certain brands can’t offer cash back on independent eyewear like you can.
Review instant rebates in your scripts
When prospective patients see your marketing and connect with your practice for the first time your team is presented with another opportunity to speak to eyewear rebates. The same goes for existing patients who are calling to set up their next eye exams.
In order to make sure eyewear cash back is brought up on every call, work it into your scheduling scripts. Each time your staff brings up rebates they build these rewards into your practice brand.
Additionally, when patients come in for their appointments make sure your staff brings up cash back on glasses again. Reinforce the notion that your optical is the place where patients get back rewards on the eyewear they purchase.

Bring up backup pairs in patient conversations
Why is it important that patients know your optical is the place where they can get cash back on eyewear?
Because it makes it easier to overcome the primary obstacle to backup pairs: the additional cost. Or convince patients to replace old lenses or frames with new materials that will substantially improve their day-to-day lives. By the time an eye exam begins the patient should be well aware of the rebates available at your practice.
After the eye exam, you have an opportunity to bring up backup eyewear with the patient. It won’t be a difficult sell if they know about the cash-back offers on eyewear at your optical. They're aware of the rebates, you just have to explain the importance of backup pairs.
Multiple pair sales are among the most beneficial transactions for an optical. You're earning twice the profit for the same amount of work! It's a key performance indicator every practice should be tracking. Normally practices maintain an average multiple pair sale rate of around 6%, according to industry data obtained by Anagram. Practices using Prosper average a multiple pair sale rate of 18%!
As patients add eyewear to the transaction they see their rebates grow, making it much easier to get sales across the finish line.
Improve your optical inventory
Prosper makes it easier to sell eyewear. But, what are the frame and lens brands that comprise your inventory?
The vast majority of revenue at your average optical comes through dispensing materials—some from lenses and some from frames. As an independent optometrist or optician with direct control over the inventory you carry, the eyewear you dispense is one of your best levers for revenue. You can adjust as needed to optimize margins on each lens and frame you sell.
With Prosper it’s easier to make decisions on your optical inventory: Which independent eyewear brands are offering rebates through Prosper? You’re more likely to dispense those materials with the help of irresistible cash-back rewards. And the wholesale pricing agreements Prosper is built on will help you improve your margins on those frames and lenses.
With Prosper in the fold how can you adjust your inventory to improve your margins and ensure you’re getting more bang out of every buck that goes to cost of goods.
Revisit vision plans you still accept: Is now the time to drop them?
How to approach vision plans is a major decision every ECP will face at one time or another. Whether it’s when you’re starting out or after years of watching them siphon off your revenue and mistreat your patients, going out-of-network is something you’ll probably consider eventually.
One reason the decision is so hard is due to the savings vision plans offer your patients on the plans’ preferred materials. However, how do the vision plans’ preferred brands compare with the independent eyewear you can be selling out-of-network? Nevermind the difference in quality of care when you’re not forced to fill your appointment book just to stay afloat.
With Prosper you can offer patients better materials and improved quality of care at a more affordable price point thanks to cash back on eyewear. At that point, one of the biggest advantages of accepting vision plans is no longer an advantage. You’re leveling the playing field. Better yet, you're tilting it in your favor by offering your patients better care, transparent pricing and rebates that are sent straight to their devices.
Ultimately when you use Prosper and Access together to leave vision plans in the dust and determine your own future, you’re also taking substantial steps to ensure your patients are getting the best care available. In the end, that should always be the goal.